Thursday, April 26, 2012

Eagle Watching

I spotted a bald eagle while driving through the valley today, I pull off the road to take some photos.

I finally get to try out my new Canon EFS 55-250mm lens!

Oops, I think I've been spotted.

Yep, ol' Eagle Eye sees me.

He strikes a pose.

Then he tells me to leave.

"Go away!"

But of course I won't leave.

...and neither will he

He just turns around,

...looks back over his shoulder,

...and gives me a dirty look.

So I take a couple more,

...and continue on my way.


  1. Amazing pictures Randy! We have a nesting pair of Bald Eagles in a park near us for the first time in decades. Mr. itsme & I have been going out on Sunday's to try and catch a glimpse but we always manage to get there just a second after they've left to hunt. Pinto Lake in Watsonville, CA is the location. Saw flocks (?) of them when we were in Alaska last May.

  2. These are indeed amazing pictures of a truly majestic bird. Thanks, Randy.
